Routine Vitamin Supplementation Mostly Useless – Science-Based Medicine

From the article:

There is essentially no benefit to routine supplementation, and there may be some risks. You are far better off saving your money, and spending it on fresh produce. Have a varied diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and you are overwhelmingly likely to get all the nutrition you need.For those with special needs or if you have any questions, simply consult your physician. Targeted supplementation based on specific needs and measured blood levels is the way to go. You probably should be taking prenatal vitamins if you are trying to get pregnant, and should be under the care of an OB. If you are trying to reduce your stroke and vascular risk, again you should be doing this under the supervision of an appropriate physician. This may include folic acid supplementation.

Source: Routine Vitamin Supplementation Mostly Useless – Science-Based Medicine

The medical science issues used to be where I hung my outraged hat. That was until everything else in the universe pissed me off.