Instagram’s Censorship of #Stripper Sparks Outcry from Sex Workers and Allies (Updated)

From the article:

Perhaps the muting of a hashtag seems inconsequential, but, as Jacq explains, “a lot of strippers use social media to connect with each other”—and hashtags like #strippers and #stripperlife are a key way for dancers to find each other. Reese Piper, a stripper and journalist, took to Twitter to explain that there are frightening consequences to silencing these hashtags. “The ability to share info publicly is a survival tool,” she said. “Without access to public strippers, I would have never learned techniques on how to stay safe in the industry. We live in silence – the internet is our only place to congregate.”

Source: Instagram’s Censorship of #Stripper Sparks Outcry from Sex Workers and Allies (Updated)

Sex work is a part of human behavior. It has been there since humans first had coins to spend. We have studies and data that shows when you shove sex workers underground, it gets dangerous for them really fast. The more draconian the laws, and more isolated the sex workers, the more deaths stack up.

In the US the outright craziness of sex selling every product, women half dressed and sexual on ever media screen, while freaking out that actual sex workers exist is so damn hypocritical. It’s okay to use a woman’s body to sell beer, but if she strips for a living that’s the bridge too far?

Think about this. Sex workers are human beings, and should be kept safe.