Lyft, Stripe spend lavishly to kill San Francisco’s homelessness relief measure / Boing Boing

From the article:

San Francisco has a homelessness epidemic that is both heartrending and a threat to public health, and it has only worsened for decades, and continues to get worse even now.

There are many different factors behind this crisis, but one incontrovertible fact looms over every explanation: there isn’t anywhere for homeless people to live, and housing is the most reliable solution to homelessness.

Accordingly, the city of San Francisco’s Prop C is proposing to tax its giant, super-profitable, tax-avoiding tech companies (with gross turnover exceeding $50m) to build housing for 4,000 homeless people.

Source: Lyft, Stripe spend lavishly to kill San Francisco’s homelessness relief measure / Boing Boing

So if you thought Lyft was the less evil option to Uber? Think again. Corporations are, by design, not interested in relieving human suffering, and this idea that you can have a “woke” company is horse shit.

They are set up to sociopathically make profits. If that means trying on some humanitarian actions to get more business, they will. However, don’t for one second put your faith in a giant money making machine. That humanitarian effort will turn as soon as they powers in the company think it’s not profitable.