Across America, the Poor Peoples’ Campaign is building steam and refusing to be intimidated by crackdowns / Boing Boing

From the article:

We’re into the fifth week of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival, a national uprising over the state of the richest nation in the world, where 140,000,000 people live at or below the poverty line (America is history’s first rich poor country).

As the movement sweeps into 39 states, it has also resulted in over 2,000 arrests of movement activists, and the crackdown is ramping up.

At first, peaceful demonstrations and occupations of state houses were ignored — by police, by politicians, by the media. But as the protests grew in volume and frequency, statehouses started to bar their doors to protesters (for shame, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York and Alabama).

Police in Missouri targeted Michael Nigro, who has been covering the Campaign, for arrest — leaving the demonstrators, but busting the guy who was livestreaming.

Source: Across America, the Poor Peoples’ Campaign is building steam and refusing to be intimidated by crackdowns / Boing Boing

I hit over 500 sites a week in my news junky routine. Yet, I have not heard of this campaign. I think I recall some of the events reported in isolation, but not as a concerted campaign that was ongoing.

This is a good campaign, and a good cause. I’d like to highlight it for others similar unaware of it’s existence: